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Shariawiz Halaqa will regularly publish posts debating, exploring, and explaining Islamic inheritance law, Islamic wills and Islamic trusts from a variety of perspectives. submit your question here.

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What is an estate plan?

  A standard estate plan includes a Will, a healthcare directive/living will, and a durable power of attorney. A will is not complicated or expensive. You do not need to be rich to have a will. Even if you have...
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I am an American Muslim. Does the Sharī‘a...

  Many Muslim scholars living in the United States suggest that American Muslims are obligated to have an Islamic will, because without one, the estate will be divided according to non-Islamic laws. If you leave a surviving spouse and...
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How is an Islamic will different from a...

An Islamic will covers everything that a secular will covers, including:  Appointing an executor to distribute your estate and manage your affairs after death;  Appointing a guardian to care for your children and manage their inheritance until...
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What is the difference between a secular will...

An Islamic will covers everything that a secular will covers, including: Appointing an executor to distribute your estate and manage your affairs after death; Appointing a guardian to care for your children and manage their inheritance until adulthood; Leaving...
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What assets does my Islamic will cover?

Your Islamic will, like a secular will, covers all the assets that make up your estate. When you die, the interests you have in all your property—real and movable—become part of your estate. According to American law, title to...
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Can I leave my estate to a friend...

If you do not have any surviving Islamic heirs, many Muslim scholars in the United States have advised that leaving a bequest to a Muslim charity and leaving the balance of your estate to a non-Islamic heir family member...
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If I do not have surviving Islamic heirs...

Let me provide some background. Sharī‘a divides the Islamic heirs or Islamic beneficiaries of your estate into three categories: Qur’anic heirs (ahl al-fara’id). Qur’anic heirs take a predetermined share—either one-half, one-quarter, one-eighth, two-thirds, one-third, or one-sixth. They are: Four...
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My only surviving Islamic heir is my spouse;...

Yes. A surviving spouse would take her prescribed share from the estate. A wife’s Islamic inheritance share would be 1/4 (or 1/8 if the husband had children) of her husband's net estate. A husband’s Islamic inheritance share would be...
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Scholar-Tested and Approved
Trusted by our Muslim-American Community

  • The Islamic references to Quran and Hadith throughout the process helped me understand how the Islamic rulings impacted my unique situation. I love the ability to make edits to my situation down the road, and download my documents at any time. The inheritance calculator is a super-useful tool, and very easy to use.


  • Easy to use, robust platform, quick responses. Great service to the American Muslim community!

    Wasiq Sheikh

  • Ease of use as well as ability to develop an state-specific yet Shariah compliant Will which can be updated as needed!

    Hadi Suroor

  • Shariawiz is an amazing product. It is robust, accurate and instructive. I would highly recommend it to any Muslim seriously thinking about a Sharia compliant will and estate plan. Shariawiz is one stop shopping in this regard.

    Zaid Shakir

  • Simple, easy and Sharia compliant; great value.

    Mohammad Nassri


Will I be able to review my will before I purchase?
Yes. After you complete your document, you will be able to review the entire document to make sure everything is correct, according to your wishes, and make any edits prior to purchasing.
What is Shariawiz?
Shariawiz is an online portal that offers legal forms and information about Sharī‘a-compliant wills and Sharī‘a rules of inheritance, including a scholar-certified Islamic Inheritance Calculator.
How long does it take?
Our do-it-yourself software allows you to complete your Shari'a-compliant estate plan in as little as 15 minutes.
What should I do after purchasing a will?
Upon purchase, you will be able to download detailed instructions on how to sign, witness, notarize, and store your documents.

What are you waiting for?

We’ve made Islamic Wills and Trusts easy, affordable, and accessible.

Get Started Now

Shariawiz is an online service that provides legal forms and information about Islamic inheritance. Shariawiz is not a law firm and does not provide legal advice. Use of this website is subject to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.